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  • robertasawatzky

Leading Hybrid Teams | 7 Competencies HR Execs Should Focus On For Training

I was recently asked to write an article for Flex Index on the topic of Hybrid Working and HR. My response was a resounding 'yes'!

Hybrid working certainly has its challenges, but it also offers amazing opportunities on all levels of diversity. So much discussion around hybrid work focuses on productivity -- that argument has already been talked about at great length and research supports the idea that productivity is actually equal or greater when employees are enabled to work remotely or hybrid.

It's time to accept the reality that flexible work is here to stay, and we need to accept, adapt, embrace, and celebrate the possibilities.

But we also need to learn how to lead effectively in such a context. Human Resources and People Ops are at the hub of learning and development in this new era; this article offers suggestions based on evidence-based research I conducted with leaders of hybrid teams.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic.

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